Artificial Intelligence Overview

Overview of AI

This is a brief overview video of how AI works. The types of AI and all of the amazing things that go beyond it.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.John McCarthy The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experiences.

What is AI?

Where is AI?

AI is everywhere in our daily lives. It is used in various fields such as medicine, finance, transportation, and entertainment. AI is present in software such as voice assistants, image recognition, and financial fraud detection. It is also present in hardware such as drones, self-driven vehicles, robots, and the Internet of Things. AI has transformed the world completely and has made our lives easier and more efficient. It is in our homes, in our cars, in our devices. Google search results, youtube algoritthms, teslas self driving cars. All of this uses some type of AI.AI is everywhere in our daily lives. It is used in various fields such as medicine, finance, transportation, and entertainment. AI is present in software such as voice assistants, image recognition, and financial fraud detection. It is also present in hardware such as drones, self-driven vehicles, robots, and the Internet of Things. AI has transformed the world completely and has made our lives easier and more efficient{" "}

Where is AI?

The History

The term “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956 when he held the first academic conference on the subject at Dartmouth College. Before the term was coined, researchers and computer scientists have been laying the groundwork for AI to become a dominant field in computer science

The History

The AI Categories

AI can be classified into three categories: Narrow Intelligence (ANI), General Intelligence (AGI), and Super Intelligence (ASI). ANI is the most common type of AI and is designed to perform a specific task. This is like your instagram algorithim or a self dirving. Its sometihng that has one job and needs to keepl earning how to do better at it. AGI is designed to perform any intellectual task that a human can do. This type of AI is hypotheitcal and we are about 50% of the way there to getting it. AGi can do everything because it can learn like a human at exponential rates. It does need data becasue it ca take in all the data it needs. ASI is hypothetical and refers to an AI that surpasses human intelligence in all areas. This is your Star Wars super itneligent droids like R2D2. It can do everything a human can do but better with ease.

The AI Categories

A Deeper of Understanding of AI

Aritifical Intelgience wraps around this whole idea of AI. Like in the photo above aritifical intellgince has differnet types that uses sense reason, engagment and learning. This your broad ideas like Natrual Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Image Generation, optimzation, etc... Then isnde of all of these types there is either deep learning or macxhine ealrning. Deep learining is about computers learning to think using structures modeled on the human brain while Machine learning is about computers being able to think and act with less human intervention. Both of these use the 4 type of learning being Supervised(trained using labeled input and output data). This is your Image recognition, speech recogintion, and other types of recognition. Unsupervised learning (trained using unlabeled data). This is your self driving car, facial recognition and expert systems. There is also semi-supervised learning which is a broad category of machine learning that uses labeled data to ground predictions, and unlabeled data to learn the shape of the larger data distribution. Reinforcment Learning which is a type of machine learning method where an intelligent agent (computer program) interacts with the environment and learns to act within that. Likea robotics dog learning to walk. each one of these types of machine learning models useswhats called methods to build out and learn. These are your Regressions, Descision trees, and nueral networks. these methods help an AI learn

A Deeper of Understanding of AI

The Dangers of AI

AI can be used for dangerous reasons. AI can be dangerous in two ways: The AI is programmed to do something malicious or the AI is programmed to be beneficial but does something destructive while achieving its goal. These risks are amplified by the sophistication of AI software. Like "jail breaking" chat gpt being a lesser but malicious way to train an AI tihnking patterns. Rhat is just a small way but other really big ways AI can be used to harm is: Convincing social engineering attacks at scale, Document-scraping malware to make attacks, more efficient Evasion of image recognition and voice biometrics Ransomware attacks, through intelligent targeting and evasion, Data pollution by identifying blind spots in detection rules Deepfake technology which involves the use of AI to craft or manipulate audio and visual content for the purpose of making such content appear authentic, Thwarting CAPTCHA security systems, which are commonly used on websites to hinder malicious activity, Misinformation/fake news which involves the use of AI to generate or spread false or misleading information, Hacking which involves the use of AI to exploit vulnerabilities or bypass security measures, Autonomous weapon systems which involve the use of AI to control or direct lethal weapons without human intervention 12. With all of these rpobems you wonder why we dso this in the first place but heres what it can whe you put it in the righht hands

The Dangers of AI

The Greatness of AI

AI can also help in so many ways that can out due all the bad. some example are: : Healthcare: AI can help doctors diagnose diseases and develop personalized treatment plans. Education: AI can help teachers personalize learning and provide students with more individualized attention. Transportation: AI can help reduce traffic congestion and improve safety on the roads. Agriculture: AI can help farmers optimize crop yields and reduce waste. Environment: AI can help monitor and predict natural disasters and climate change. Entertainment: AI can help create more immersive and interactive experiences for users. These are just a couple ways how AI can help us. WE just need to learn how to use it in the righht way.

The Greatness of AI

Why You Should Learn AI

AI is growing alarmingly quickly and it’s important to learn about it now so that you can be better prepared for the future. AI is already being used in many industries and is expected to become even more prevalent in the coming years. By learning about AI now, you can gain a better understanding of how it works and how it can be used to benefit society. This knowledge can help you stay ahead of the curve and be better prepared for the changes that are coming.

Why You Should Learn AI
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