AI Ethics Discussions

We are the Regis Jesuit AI Engineering Club

Based at Regis Jesuit Highschool the AI Engineering Club works to create new and very interesting AI and Machine Learning Models. We learn about the newest features in the space and discuss about AI. You don't need any past experience. Just come ready to learn about the wonders of AI.

AI Ethics Discussions

AI Ethics Discussions

We conduct discussions about AI ethics, pondering how AI should be treated, and whether it should be used in schools or other workplaces. These discussions are open to all members and help stimulate critical thinking and a better understanding of AI applications in the real world.

AI Development

AI Development

We actively engage in building new AI language models and chatbots. The club serves as an avenue for learning basic AI development in Python and JavaScript. Whether you're an advanced programmer or just getting started, this club provides opportunities to dive into AI.

Learning Opportunities

Learning Opportunities

We offer learning opportunities in Python, JavaScript, and various Python packages for AI. Our club promotes an inclusive environment where anyone, regardless of their previous coding experience, can thrive and acquire new skills.

Regis Jesuit Honor Code

Regis Jesuit Principles

We follow Regis Jesuit Highschool and their principles. We do not use the technology we build to harm anyone and we follow guidelines to help improve AI and not diminish it.

Home Page

RJ AI Engineering Club

6300 S Lewiston Way, Aurora, CO 80016



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